When we say popsicles we remember our childhood. So let's go to back and make apple and plum popsicles for our kids. Click here for the easy reci...
Kids love potato & everything is possible to make from it. This time we're cooking sweet potato biscuits. Get sweet potato biscuit recipes fr...
What is your kid's favorite dessert? Here we share a healthy carrot cake muffins recipe for you. Easy and healthy!
Makes: 12 muffinsTime: 35 minu...
Looking for easy snack ideas for your kids? We are here to help you. Try these easy-made carrot pulp crackers or just carrot crackers & thank...
All the kids love pizza but if you want a healthy one for your kid, try this veg pizza recipe. A homemade pizza for your kids. Check our pizza re...
Better than muffins are meatloaf muffins. Try to make these easy meatloaf muffins for your children and we promise they will like them.
Makes: 12...
Want to cook something new and easy for your kid then try this "mini cottage pie" recipe. Easy, healthy and tasty. 100% guaranteed!
Makes: 8 pi...
If your kid is a lover of pesto, then you should try it with kale, spinach and walnut. An incredible taste is promised. Check our recipe for more...
An easy and quick mash recipe for your babies with sweet potato, parsnip and pumpkin. Click on the link and explore!
Makes: 10 portionsTime: 30 m...
Looking for a healthy meal for your baby? We got you. Here we prepared a "red pepper and pumpkin risotto" recipe. Click on and read further!
Must try - sweet potato and apricot cookies. If you're want something nutritious for your baby try our recipe of sweet potato and apricot cookies...
Sweet potato toasts, sounds delicious, right? Check our new recipe and learn how to make sweet potato toasts for your babies.
Makes: 4 slicesTi...